Grove Miller Engineering, Inc. is a consulting traffic engineering firm that provides professional services to governmental and private clients throughout Central Pennsylvania. The firm has been providing specialized traffic engineering services since 1982. Originally formed as Grove Engineering, the company became Grove Miller Engineering, Inc. in 1988.

Gregory E. Creasy, P.E. and Jay E. States, P.E. are principals of the firm and have combined traffic engineering experience of more than 50 years. The principals are in charge of individual study and design projects, and have primary project management responsibility.

A support staff consisting of CADD designers, traffic technicians, and clerical personnel supplement the professional engineering staff.

Vision Statement
The vision of Grove Miller Engineering, Inc. is to be the preferred professional traffic and transportation consulting firm in central and eastern Pennsylvania with a presence in all of Pennsylvania. We will always strive to be an example of excellence within our profession.

Mission Statement
The mission of Grove Miller Engineering, Inc. is to provide the highest level of excellence in specialized traffic and transportation engineering services to value-driven and responsible clients with the utmost honesty, integrity, and professionalism.